Friday 28 December 2018

Construction Waste Management - 6 Tips for a More Effective Construction...

6 Ideas for a More Productive Waste Management System

The construction waste management system in any construction company is the set of internal procedures which staff must follow to manage the waste produced on every site, in accordance with company policy.

The Construction Waste Management System, once neglected and even seen as a waste of time, is now a central part of doing business for construction firms.

In this video we provide our tips for raising the effectiveness, and the benefits, from any construction company waste management system.

Keep reading this for our 6 tips:

1 - Lower the Amount of Produced Waste

Waste reduction is the most effective technique. It has for long been practised on construction sites.

For example, demolition rubble has always been used beneath site roads and as non-compressible backfill.

The big win here is to extend this philosophy further, and find site uses for other demolition materials.

2 - Efficiently Separate Waste Types and keep materials clean for maximum recycling value.

3 - Recycle Building Materials which can't be re-used without processing.

The recycling example which has seen rapid advances in the last 10 years, is the crushing of reinforced concrete to produce aggregate for new concrete.

4 - When designing new buildings construction companies should ensure that their designers consider how the building or other structure will be easily demolished with maximum materials re-use. 

Looking ahead beyond that is the consideration of how recycling will be enhanced at the end of the life of the structures built.

5 - Ensure that the company selects Eco-friendly materials.

6 - Keep One Step Ahead of Legislation

The circular economy is coming.

The most successful companies will be those that look ahead and develop the methods to lead with innovations implementing the circular economy.

Much better to do that than trying to catch-up after new regulations are introduced


Image illustrates the title of this article on a better construction waste management system.

A competent waste management process may look like an expensive endeavor at the start.

But, in the long run it pays off in more ways than one.
Many have reported substantial cost savings!

Not only does an effective Construction Waste Management System improve your company's public image, it also helps you run your business more efficiently.

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