Wednesday, 1 May 2019

The Gas Flare Secret Why Flaring is 34 Times Better Than Not Flaring

Gas Flares and Why They Reduce Climate Change.

The Gas Flare Secret Why Flaring is 34 Times Better Than Not Flaring

A gas flare, alternatively known as a flare stack, is a gas combustion device used in industrial plants such as petroleum refineries, chemical plants, natural gas processing plants as well as at oil or gas production sites having oil wells, gas wells, offshore oil and gas rigs and landfills.

Keep watching to learn why gas flares reduce climate change.

Flare stacks are primarily used for burning off unwanted flammable gas released by pressure relief valves, for the following reasons:

1 - Flare stacks are often used for the planned combustion of gases over relatively short periods such as when carrying out new gas plant start-ups.

2 - During unplanned over-pressuring of plant equipment, including emergency breakdown of equipment.

3 - During plant shutdowns, which are usually for equipment maintenance.

4 - In the case of landfill gas, flaring is done when the amount and quality of the landfill gas is too low for economic use.

5 - To reduce climate change.

Methane's estimated global warming potential is 34 times greater than that of Carbon Dioxide (CO2).

Image is the feature image for the article on The Gas Flare Secret.
Therefore, to the extent that gas flares convert methane to CO2 before it is released into the atmosphere, they reduce the amount of global warming that would otherwise occur.

Source: Wikipedia "Gas Flare".

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